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Maureen's new home

Maureen, my cousin, moved to bigger home,of course she was very happy, finally her dream came true, she has a nice home.
She decorated her new home with many furnitures, but she got difficulty to find suitable lighting to some rooms. She thought that lamp was very important as element decoration.
She called me asking a help, I thought that wasn’t a big problem, with access internet on my “luppy” (laptop) everything would be ok.

I browsed the internet,and I found Farreys.com that offers hundreds of thousands of light fixtures and outdoor light fixtures from top manufacturer with a Lowest price.

She began select what kind of lighting that suitable for each room.
Maureen choosed some light fixtures, such as chandeliers for her main room, kitchen light fixtures for her green kitchen (I called green kitchen because she painted and decorated with green color) and bathroom light fixtures for her big bathroom.
Maureen was satisfied with beautiful lighting in her new home.

Maureen's new home Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: else


  1. Bilang sama Si Maureen kalo milih lampu..ngga usah yang lain deh.. PHILIPS aja pilihnnya..
    Terus Terang Phipilps Terang terus.. wkwkwkwkwkwk
    lari ah..
    takyut kalo bu guru marah...

    Met Id Adha ya..?

  2. wuaaaakkkkkkssss.........basa linggid yah..wuaaahhhhh gag ngerti nih suster, aku hadrus lerning dulu yah....ambil buku kamus dulu akh.....

    ikutan ama ifoelll akh.....hidup philips

  3. Salam

    Klau sudah banyak menabubg nanti boleh beli runah baru lawan si Mauren

  4. sukses terus dengan repiewnya mbak

  5. pake bahas inggris lagi...udah tau saya oon
    mode nangis=on

  6. Maureen siapa toh?? Artis pendatang baru toh?

  7. maless ahh, sering mati lampu..(*nyambung g nyambung tserah deh...sbelum kena marah..PEACE!!!)..HII..HII

  8. wah..dapat garapan baru neh...aku juga tuh..he.he.he.

  9. ak mencium bau duit disini neh, moga lancar terus deh non reviewnya

  10. JANGAN BERGERAK..!! sepertinya aku mencium bau $
    nehh.. terusin deh.., mumpung masih 11rebuann..

  11. wahhh lancar2 ajah nih jobnya else?jgn lupa transferannya yap :D

  12. wah kayaknya mau beralih profesi jadi tukang repiw nih, hehehehehe *kabur*

  13. ya PR yang lain lom di kerjain dah dapet PR lagi ya terpaksa buat naikin rangking aku ker jain semua dah tpi tar ya klo koneksinya bagus heheheh... tank's ya bu guru ngemeng2 gmna cara'y..????

  14. bagi2 dong $ nya.....atau aq rampok...!!
